Rangatira is home to our three and four year olds. They love challenge and interest and they also love to have a strong imprint on their environment and be able to be involved in how it is laid out, set up and what activities and experiences they can be involved in.
As we ready our tamariki for school, their environment provides for opportunity to use challenging puzzles, creative resources and items that are more complicated.
This is an exciting space. Our tamariki tell us what they are interested in and our Kaiako extend it, reorganise spaces, introduce more resources, ideas and allow the spaces to evolve and develop for real learning, creativity, problem solving and deep thinking to take place.
We develop our tamariki interest in literacy, through providing books, signage, labelling, signs, symbols that back up the interest. We get them to start thinking about writing by providing resources for them to write lists, their names, mimic writing their thoughts, stories and ideas. Teachers model writing for meaning by writing what the children tell them about their picture, fill out their check lists and share them with the tamariki.
We develop numeracy and scientific thought as we go, and through their interests by comparing sizes, shapes, counting items, grouping items, positioning and reorganising items. We talk about properties, textures, change, cause, effect, and so on.
Dance, art, craft, role play, construction, investigation….. enquiry! It all happens here.
The symbol that we have chosen to represent Rangatira is the symbol of Manaia. Manaia is a guardian motif. This is how we view our Rangatira group. They are leaders, their Kaiako support them in modelling safe and caring play and they are the guardians of our Utu Nui and Ra room tamariki. This is especially important in the outdoor area where Utu Nui and Ranagtira groups play alongside each other.
This is what we may expect our Rangatira children to be able to do:
Show affection for friends
Turn taking
Understand the idea of “mine”, “his” and “hers”
Show a wide range of emotions (happy, angry, sad etc)
Self-help skills Follow instructions
Can name most of the familiar things
Understand words like “in”, “on” and “under”
Say their first name, knows their friends’ and teacher’s names
Carry on conversations using 2 or 3 sentences
Sing various songs Play make-believe with dolls, animals and people
Work successfully on puzzles and connecting games
Turn book pages one at a time
Able to hold a crayon, pencil, paint brush to draw and scribble Movement/Physical Development
Climb well (may need supervision when needed)
Run easily
Dance to the beat of the music
Able to sit as part of a group