Show respect, generosity and care for others.
We welcome tamariki and their whanau into Bizzy Kidz and believe that the concept of manakitanga is to embrace the values and integrity of our tamariki and their whanau, acknowledging sincerity and equity of all tamariki, by providing a caring and nurturing environment built on trust, aroha and respect
Relationships with shared experiences, working together.
We value whanaungatanga and believe that developing authentic relationships with tamariki, their whanau and our community will maintain strong, meaningful relationships and sustain whanaungatanga throughout the years.
Tuakana – Teina
Elder, younger tamariki learning together.
We believe in tamariki learning together hand in hand to support and strengthen social competence and opportunities for learning are equal and tuakana-teina contributions are valued and respected, irrespective of gender, age, ability and ethnicity.
Mana reo
Communication, languages and cultures are promoted and protected.
We embrace and value home languages to develop inclusiveness and mana in nga tamariki, respecting the language, identity and culture of nga tamariki and their whanau through verbal and non-verbal mana reo and interactions.
Outcomes observe as learning progress.
Our goal for nga tamariki is to leave with a sense of whakamana, confident in their identity, language and culture embracing their tinana physical dimension, hinengaro-intellectual dimension, wairua-spiritual dimension and whatumanawa-emotional dimension, strengthening their knowledge, learning and development throughout the years.
Learning and Teaching
Kaiako set goals, monitors and strategically plans for higher achievement, taking responsibility of their own learning and that of nga tamariki and has a wide range of skills, strategies and tools to actively facilitate successful learning.