At Bizzy Kidz Childcare centre, we believe that food and nutrition is an important part of a child’s development. This is one of the reasons why we have chosen to provide food at our centre. If children eat a well balanced and nutritious diet, they are more mentally focused and physically able to cope with the demands of being an active child.
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We serve a healthy lunch every day. The weekly menu is displayed by the kitchen (or you can download here) so you can see what the children are having that day. Our morning and afternoon teas always consist of several types of fruit and then varied options of crackers/toast/plain biscuits/cheese/crisps. Because we celebrate birthdays, there is sometimes a small piece of cake.
We are also a multicultural centre and so our meal refelct our community. Some children have food allergies, so our centre is nut-free and where possible we cater for other food allergies such as lactose intolerance.
We ask that your child does not bring any food into the centre because of food allergies and special diets.
We believe it is important that the children sit together to eat and we say a karakia kai (food blessing) before eating. We provide plenty of water throughout the day, and we encourage children to bring their own water bottles for ongoing hydration.